Deck those halls and everywhere else too!

I love Christmas. I know that's not a particularly bold statement to make, but it's the truth when it comes to me. I love shopping throughout the year, yes I'm one of those people, and finding the perfect gift for someone. I try to keep a lookout throughout the year and buy when I see an item. Thei helps not only on the December sticker shock, but also relieves some of that Christmas stress.

Today I am thinking about decorating. How else can you change up a room and have it gone before you get tired of it? Yup, Christmas decorating!
I usually start in the days following Thanksgiving. I am a purist when it comes to the timing of decorating. Not until after Thanksgiving and always comes down before Jan 5th or so.
I also try to change things up every year. This year I finally got around to decorating the one area I have always wanted to, the light fixtures above the bar. I envisioned how the garland would look wrapped around the chains and the lights themselves. I threw in a couple of inexpensive picks from Michaels and it turned out so nicely.

Next up we had to put out the many trees. I cut back this year and only put up the big tree, my Dr Suess tree, and a few Aspen trios in various spots throughout the house. I normally also have a "wine tree" and my son has his own tree. 
I have collected Dr Suess ornaments for years and have slowly had to get bigger and bigger trees to fit my collection. This year is no exception as I think I've outgrown the small purple tree! 


Tomorrow I'll go into the big tree and a few other decorations. My Snow Village plays a big part in my decorations, so that'll be up next!


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