Continuations, not resolutions

As a new year begins we all seem to be making resolutions, or making anti-resolutions for some! I am not making resolutions as much as I am making continuations.

When I say continuations I think everyone gets it. We, as humans, are (hopefully) always in a state of change. It is at big life changes that we seem to make proclamations of change and of intentions, resolutions as they are known. I am faced with a new year and a year that is the last in my 40's! As of mid-November 2018 I will be fifty years old. More on that as it comes closer, I'll bet.

Continuations - the most obvious is that I plan on making this blog look better. I have always intended on sitting down and working on the aesthetics, but then the words get in the way. Well, and life also gets in the way and I choose something else to work on during that time.
Another continuation is to take care of myself. That seems easy enough, but we all know that is easier said than done. True self-care means saying no when you are overtaxed, slowing down, being more intentional with your time and word, and then the obvious things like going to the doctor and getting those nails done!

Continuations - being present, showing up. How many times has someone shown up for you, literally or figuratively? That means so much more than any materialistic thing that someone can get you. My favorite part of getting a gift is that 99% of the time the person is there to give it to me. The truest gift of time. If they are not physically there, you know they are there in spirit from when they purchased the gift to you opening it.

Continuations - showing up. When we lost my mother in law one of my dearest friends drove 2 hrs, there & back, just to be there for my husband, son, and me. No amount given in charity or in flowers could have meant more. What a reminder that showing up is the most important part of life.

Continuations - my students need the very best that I can give them every day. They rely on me for so much more than a lesson from a book. They look to teachers for so much more; security, life lessons, guidance. I pledge to continue to be there for them whenever and however they need me. This is how we build solid people, by being solid people.

As a year 2017 was no better or worse than any other for me, but for some it was devastating. This is where I will work on my continuations, to be present for them in the good and the bad.

Continuations - last year I, and the world, lost a beautiful woman. She and I sat in her living room one day before another of her radiation appointments. She told me that she wished she could still drink wine. That sounds funny, but it was all too true. She said that she had been saving certain bottles of wine for a special occasion, and now the very thought of wine made her ill. She made me go get one of those bottles and promise to drink it on a special occasion, an occasion like a Tuesday or something else equally as exciting. Her point was obvious, drink the wine. I honor her every time I drink the wine, or use that candle. Honor her and me and join me in this continuation.

Continuations - I will continue to be there for you, and pledge to do a better job at it. Join me in making a few continuations this year and let's make 2017 jealous of 2018!


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